Yellowstone_ElkTule Elk live in continents that are North America and Asia. Tule Elk live in a few countries that are Western Canada and the U.S.A. Tule Elk live in four habitats that are forest,meadows,valleys, and mountains. They live in tall grass.They live in the Prairie (Temperate Grasslands).

Elks make a sound like loud yawns. They protect himself with their antlers until mating season. My animal is a herbivore. Tule Elk eat 20,000 leaves a day and eat stems,grass,herbs,mushrooms,and acorns. Sometimes they stick their heads in a pond and eat the grass.

 A bulls antlers are 4 ft tall. They lose their antlers in March,but grow back  in May. Females give birth on high mountains with graze grounds. A female has a single calf. A calf starts to walk when it is 20 minutes old. Bull elk  with bigger antlers always wins and mates more females. Elk can’t go against other elk with bigger antlers. Hope you enjoyed. If you want to get some imformation click on this link and it will give you some imformation Elk. BIE

Temperate Grassland

Animals and plants both work together to survive in biomes all over the Earth.Biomes are lands with living and nonliving things.The Prairie is located at Asia, South America, Europe, North America and Africa.If you want to know what to pack, these are some ideas.There is 10-20 inches of rain a year.There will be dust storms. Fire is not foreign in the Prairie. If you want to know about the Prairies (Temperate Grasslands) soil,it is dark and moist.The soil is rich.The Prairies soil contains about twice as much soil as the forest biomes,many things grow there.

The Prairies plants are interesting.New grass grows after a fire.The roots store nutrients to help the plant survive.When there is a fire roots don’t get burned.Dead grass becomes a new layer of soil.The plants are usually bigger than one foot.The fire can’t burn the grass that easy because of the shrubs and buds under ground. The animals of the prairies survive by a few main features.They have fur that is short enough for protection but not too hot. Flat teeth help them eat grass. These sharp teeth help tear up their prey. For example, the lions sharp teeth help tear up the zebra.These animals structures and behaviors help them survive.All the plants and animals help each other survive. Click this link for imformation about the Temperate Grasslands (scroll down till it say Temperate Grasslands)  Temperate Grasslands.

A grassland in the Philippines