Killing Endangered Animals

Did you know there is only around 200 white tigers in the world. Nearly all of them are dieing because of poachers wanting their  rare fur People need to stop killing endangered animals.

    People need to stop killing endangered animals because the animals will go die out. Animals extinct means no armery for soldiers to fight in war. Also there is less living things to keep the world beautiful.Also there is no manure to help the plants grow.


    If animals keep on dying then that means no health supplies. Which means no more delicious and juicy meat. Also no warm and fuzzy blanks to keep sick kids warm. Also no nutrients to keep us healthy.


    If animals keep on dying then thankful animals are going to be gone and places are going to close. Tigers help us kill all the deer, but if all tigers disappear then the deer population would spread so much that deer will take over the world. Just kidding about the take over the world part. Also lots of zoos will close. Last, there will be no animals to protect nature, so there will be no nature and the world wouldn’t look beautiful any more.

So if people don’t stop killing endangered animals then all that I just told you will happen!

Potental And Kinetic Energy

Hey, do you know about Potental energy. Well potental energy is something that is stored. I mean that it is something not in use. For example: bullet in a gun that havn’t been shot or water in a container. A nonexample is a seed that sprouted into a little plant. That is called  Kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is something that is not stored or something in movement buts not moving. Like a waterballon falling out of the sky or thrown. That is all I know and if you see a kinetic or potental energy leave a coment and tell me what you saw. . Potental  guns xray walther 1440x900 wallpaper_www.wall321.com_24                                                                                               945524053-water-balloon-bursting-needle-object-wetKinetic



Rudolph Song

You know Dasher, and Dancer, and
Prancer, and Vixen,
Comet, and Cupid, and
Donder and Blitzen
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all,
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
play in any reindeer games.
Then one foggy Christmas eve
Santa came to say:
“Rudolph with your nose so bright,
won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”Then all the reindeer loved him
as they shouted out with glee,
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,
you’ll go down in history!


Papua New Guinea Gets Books

In Papua New Guinea there is no roads to lead the volunteers to the jungle to give people books.Volunteers drive a 4 by 4 to drive to the end of the path.Then they get out and carry books on their backs.Volunteers come back in three weeks with more books.The volunteers are needed because of the harsh physical environment, without them there would be no way to access books. One example is the people who live far in the jungle inside a village called Mogi -agi. It is 5 miles inside the jungle.The path is really bumpy, so it makes it hard for the volunteers to cross.There’s really big hillsides and the volunteers need to build  temporary houses sometimes to sleep in each night they don’t make it to the village, so they are protected from the wild. The volunteers come to the village even if the powerful rivers are flowing.That is how the volunteers in Papua New Guinea give books to people in a village. As you can see it is much harder than from our country.


WORKED – My buddies taped noodles to the ground verticaly. Then they taped strings to the ground and we taped the strings to the noodle tower and added another noodle tower to the top. Then we added a marshmellow to the top and it leaned but it didn’t hit the ground.

DIDN’T WORK – When we made a skinny noodle tower,  we taped the skinny noodle tower to the ground. Then we added 1 more skinny noodle to the top of our tower then put the marshmellow on the top of our skinny tower and it……CRASH!  It fell off the the table and broke. Luckly we did it after the one that worked.


Yellowstone_ElkTule Elk live in continents that are North America and Asia. Tule Elk live in a few countries that are Western Canada and the U.S.A. Tule Elk live in four habitats that are forest,meadows,valleys, and mountains. They live in tall grass.They live in the Prairie (Temperate Grasslands).

Elks make a sound like loud yawns. They protect himself with their antlers until mating season. My animal is a herbivore. Tule Elk eat 20,000 leaves a day and eat stems,grass,herbs,mushrooms,and acorns. Sometimes they stick their heads in a pond and eat the grass.

 A bulls antlers are 4 ft tall. They lose their antlers in March,but grow back  in May. Females give birth on high mountains with graze grounds. A female has a single calf. A calf starts to walk when it is 20 minutes old. Bull elk  with bigger antlers always wins and mates more females. Elk can’t go against other elk with bigger antlers. Hope you enjoyed. If you want to get some imformation click on this link and it will give you some imformation Elk. BIE

Temperate Grassland

Animals and plants both work together to survive in biomes all over the Earth.Biomes are lands with living and nonliving things.The Prairie is located at Asia, South America, Europe, North America and Africa.If you want to know what to pack, these are some ideas.There is 10-20 inches of rain a year.There will be dust storms. Fire is not foreign in the Prairie. If you want to know about the Prairies (Temperate Grasslands) soil,it is dark and moist.The soil is rich.The Prairies soil contains about twice as much soil as the forest biomes,many things grow there.

The Prairies plants are interesting.New grass grows after a fire.The roots store nutrients to help the plant survive.When there is a fire roots don’t get burned.Dead grass becomes a new layer of soil.The plants are usually bigger than one foot.The fire can’t burn the grass that easy because of the shrubs and buds under ground. The animals of the prairies survive by a few main features.They have fur that is short enough for protection but not too hot. Flat teeth help them eat grass. These sharp teeth help tear up their prey. For example, the lions sharp teeth help tear up the zebra.These animals structures and behaviors help them survive.All the plants and animals help each other survive. Click this link for imformation about the Temperate Grasslands (scroll down till it say Temperate Grasslands)  Temperate Grasslands.

A grassland in the Philippines

The Stuff On The Plane

Once there was a kid on a plane to go on a vacation. He set his backpack and a water bottle next to him with a stuffed animal on the backpack. The kid was so excited for the plane to stop. When the plane stopped he ran out of the plane without taking his stuff. So there was his stuff on the seat in the plane being took back to his country. Can you write a story and then leaving a comment that you wrotea story for I can come visit and comentent on your story.











Starting today, I am doing daily post about minecraft.

Today I am going to talk about skeletons. Skeletons can die by lava, day time, fire, potion of healing and harming, and you. Skeletons have a rare chance of dropping a bow/enchanted bow if you kill it with a bow 15 blocks away. Always lead a skeleton out from under a tree to burn it in day light. Never drop a sword or armor because they can pick it up and they can fight with it and wear the armor and they might kill you,so never do that. There are three types of skeletons,one I cant tell you cause I am going to talk about it later That’s all I can tell you about skeletons today. Visit my blog tomorrow to learn about creepers at Teosblog.edublogs.org2287-minecraft-minecraft-skeleton

If I Was A Candy

L-43677sugarcandycornfaces  If I were a piece of candy,

I would taste mad good like chocolate.

I would be full of sugar.

I would like to give kids cavities.

I’d want to spread a sugar disease.

I would be passed out on Halloween.

I would wish to be the biggest candy and have the most sugar ever.

I would love lots of sugar!

I would listen for a sugar factory.

I would get eaten. Then I will come back to life!